Video Presentations
JULY 2020
JUNE 2020
MAY 2020
- Daily Reading of the 6th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 6th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 7th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 7th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 8th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 9th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 9th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 10th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 11th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 11th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 12th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 12th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 13th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 13th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 14th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 14th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 15th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 16th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 16th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 17th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 18th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 18th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 19th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 19th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 20th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 20th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 21st Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 21st Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 22nd Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 23rd Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 23rd Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 24th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 25th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 25th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 26th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 27th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 27th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 28th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 28th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 29th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Daily Reading of the 30th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an at Noon
- Daily Reading of the 30th Juz of the Holy Al-Qur’an
- Friday, May 1st – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Saturday, May 2nd – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Friday, May 8th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Saturday, May 9th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Thursday, May 14th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Friday, May 15th – Ramadan Night of Power
- Saturday, May 16th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Sunday, May 17th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Monday, May 18th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Tuesday, May 19th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Wednesday, May 20th – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Thursday, May 21st – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Friday, May 22nd – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
- Saturday, May 23rd – Ramadan Halaqah Evening Presentation
APRIL 2020
- No Sunday, April 5th – Taleem Presentation
- Sunday, April 12th – Taleem Presentation
- Sunday, April 19th – Taleem Presentation
- Sunday, April 26, Taleem Presentation